Is installation service provided for led surface panel light ?
Hangzhou Sehon Technology Co., Ltd.offers after-sales service including installation service for the smooth follow-on use of led surface panel light . Also, we've set up a professional service team to follow up with any issues raised by customers. For helping them with installing the products, we will arrange engineers who are very familiar with the internal structure and every part of the product to guide you install the products step by step. If required, we are glad to have a video call to give a clear view of installing the products on site.

Sehon Light Bulb is one of Chinese most popular enterprises which manufactures and exports led down lights. led filament bulbs produced by Sehon Light Bulb is very popular in the market. The management systems and quality control of Sehon led edison bulb mainly rely on our highly calibrated testing scales, computerized testing reports, state-of-the-art hardness testers. It can be supplied with a customized package based on customers' needs. The product is extensively demanded in the market due to its unmatched advantages. It provides viewers with a clear vision.

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